Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Have you heard the news...

...it's not a rumor, I saw it with my own peepers! The pumpkin spice latte's are back at Starbucks! Oh yes, yes it's true, would I lie to you? (don't answer that)

There is also a new addition...they've added the Toffee Mocha, and boy, is that yummy! The adorably sweet barista gave me a sample! And wow, I'll be adding it to my regular drink rotation.

What's your favorite Starbucks drink?


  1. OOOHHH Yummy!!! I am going to have to hit starbucks soon I love the pumpkin spice latte!! and I cant wait to try the new toffee mocha.

  2. That new Toffee Mocha is good as a frap with the vanilla bean base - just saying! I used to be addicted to white mochas but since being preggers, I can't touch them. I just started being able to go to Starbucks again an I'm partial to tuxedo mochas - always iced!
